data breach management

Data breach management made easy

Data breaches always come at an inappropriate time. Quickly, you need to turn your knowledge about the breach into decisions.

Emily registers a data breach incident in the six-step process.

Companies all over Europe already build sustainable GRC programmes with Wired Relations
The problem

Managing data breaches is no easy task

First, many breaches go undetected, because they are not reported and logged.

When they are, you have to act quickly. As a data protection professional you need to decide on what to do about the breach, whether to report it to the authorities and inform the data subjects. At the same time, you want the breaches to inform and improve your awareness program.

But you are short on information. What kind of information was held in the breached system? How much information? And what caused the breach?

That lack of information makes decision making both difficult and stressful.

6 benefits of managing data breaches with Wired Relations

Log data breaches the right way every time

Easy to follow 6-step process gives you the framework for consistent and thorough documentation. Everything you need to know to report to the Data Protection Authorities. No more over or under-reporting data breaches.

Make it easy to report breaches to the authorities

To report a data breach to the authorities, you need to understand what was breach, what happened, the type of information breached and how many were affected. Wired Relations makes it easy to get the information.

Let data breach trends guide awareness training and new security measures

Being able to understand the trends of your data breaches means you can focus on what matters the most. With an overview begin to understand which systems and departments are at risk, and what types of incidents are most likely to occur.

Get a clear map of vulnerable systems

Everything is connected in Wired Relations. That way you can get a clear understanding of the most vulnerable systems, improve your risk assessments and implement relevant security measures to avoid future data breaches.

Generate incident reports with a click of a button

Informing authorities and upper management has never been easier. Download incident reports in PDF with one click.

Make sure new security measures don’t fall between chairs

Improve how you respond to and manage data breaches by including relevant departments and system owners in Wired Relations. End up with more time on your hands for prevention and raising awareness - rather than putting out fires all the time.