multiple frameworks

Multiple frameworks, one solution

Utilising several frameworks in your information security work? No problem.

Companies all over Europe already build sustainable GRC programmes with Wired Relations
the problem

Managing multiple frameworks without duplicate work

NIST, ISO, CIS, COBIT, Cyber Essentials, NIS2 - the world of information security is filled with valuable frameworks and best practices.

Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you probably use more than one.

However, they also overlap, making it hard to avoid duplicate work and redundant data. You need to have it all mapped in one place for great overview and control.

5 ways to utilise Wired Relations when working with multiple frameworks

Build custom controls

With Wired Relations it is often possible to import controls from certain frameworks with one-click. Otherwise, you can always build your own custom controls and map them to frameworks already in use.

Utilise existing documentation and systems

Frameworks often overlap. When implementing a new framework, utilise existing documentation, controls and SoA’s from other frameworks to speed up work.

No starting from scratch with recurring tasks and evaluations

Log all activities related to each infosec control in the state-of-the-art Task Manager and get notified when it’s time to take action on recurring tasks. You can also do evaluations on each control and test if they are working as intended.

Do controls with recurring tasks and evaluation

The state-of-the art Task Manager holds all your controls and notifies you when it’s time to take action on a control. You can easily see your workload month-to-month, do evaluations on each control, and see all history of completion and actions across users.

Do one control, check it off in every framework

When you finish a control task, you can cross it off, not just in one framework, but in all frameworks that include the same control. The governance model works across all frameworks to reduce your workload.