Task management

Task management built for the compliance pro.

The workload for compliance pros is huge and ever increasing. You need a tool that helps you organise, prioritise and speed up work and take back control.

Companies all over Europe already build sustainable GRC programmes with Wired Relations
The problem

Calender-notes, endless to-do lists and structural failure

Task Management in compliance is crazy hard. You split your life between assessing new software, doing vendor audits and governance controls, planning awareness training and putting out fires all over the organisation.

And, like few others you’re bound by regulatory compliance to meticulously complete and document your work.

Your structure has its stronghold in software detached from your data, so your workflow is disconnected and everything has to be updated manually. No wonder you have a hard time finding time to add value to the business.

Let’s fix that.

How to take control of task management with Wired Relations

Manage all tasks from the same space

All the team's tasks are gathered in one view. With easy access to check status, filter views, see owners, check deadlines and label things, you’re in absolute control of your privacy work, day to day.

Prioritise with crystal clarity

With due dates, task types and status collected in a single view, you can easily change priorities and move resources around to get back on track.

Create recurring tasks for audits and controls

Set tasks as recurring at a specific interval to make them part of your yearly cycle. This way, you get a notification when it’s time to do the work again.

Avoid work overload. Balance out your yearly cycle of tasks

Plan your yearly cycle of new and recurring tasks – and evaluate your workload-balance to make sure your time and energy is spent right.

Connect tasks and data and let work flow better

Connect tasks to any system, vendor, processing activity or governance control. This way, you can view and access tasks from any point of work in the system, and have full control with less time spent.

Assign teams outside of Compliance and get the right data

Invite system owners in your organisation to fill in the knowledge gaps and build stronger data protection together. Limit their access, see their contributions and level up your program.

Never lose a task again with ownership and task redistribution

All tasks are required to have an owner. If a task owner leaves your company, you’re automatically prompted to distribute tasks to new owners before moving on. That way, you never lose or miss important tasks again.

Evaluate tasks for audits and controls as you complete them

Evaluate tasks as you complete them and add notes for later follow-ups. This lets others easily continue your work, and gives you a better overview of audits as well as governance standards such as ISO 27001.

Task history is auto-created as you work

Task history is automatically registered, so you can easily see what happened and who has been working on the task.

Get your overview in a table or KanBan

View your tasks in a way that’s best suited to the job at hand. Use the KanBan board to easily move tasks around, or get a full overview of tasks in list view to work faster.