How we support your GDPR compliance during COVID-19

May 4, 2020
Gilli Haraldsen
CCO & Co-founder

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Why we do it?

Right now, you are probably working slightly different than you did before COVID-19. We are all transitioning to remote working environments and experts are predicting that we will see a digital quantum leap due to the COVID-19 crisis. The use of online video meeting tools, file sharing tools and many others to support remote working is already increasing with fast speed. Working remote poses though new challenges with regards to security and privacy.

Now, is the time for your GDPR compliance to show resilience, so that non-compliance does not pose yet another risk for your business continuity. It may well be the appropriate time to implement positive changes - such as setting up Wired Relations, to ensure continued GDPR compliance.

We, at Wired Relations are helping organisations who are preparing for prolonged remote work and/or absences due to COVID-19. To support this even better, we are offering new tools and more services that help enable your business continuity meanwhile becoming and staying GDPR compliant.

1. Wired Relations is now integrated to Slack, Teams and Zapier to make it easier to communicate

You can no longer bump into each other at the coffee machine or throw a quick question cross the table. During COVID-19 these questions and and how to work compliant is transferred to Slack, Teams and other collaboration tools. Therefore, we have integrated Wired Relations to Slack, Teams and Zapier, etc. so that you have easier communication and you get your notifications and reminders through the right channels.

2. GDPR videos & e-learning for your remote employees

When people are working more remote than ever there is a greater likelihood for data breaches and non-compliance. In-sufficient training leaves it up to the employees to define if there has been a data breach: GDPR awareness training is not a one-time session. You have to continuously train the employees, not only in the basics around what is GDPR, what is personal data, etc. but also what is categorised as a data breach, what to do when you are working from home and experience a data breach, how you conduct yourself in a situation where you do not have the daily IT or legal support at your hand as you used to. All of these topics are covered in the new GDPR video & e-learning module.

3. Manage your users in a simple way with Active Directory (AD) and Single Sign-On (SSO)

Connecting Wired Relations to you GSuite or Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) and Single Sign-On (SSO) you enable your IT department to control your users and their roles and access centrally.

4. We have hired more GDPR specialists to keep you safe

Overview and control are important aspects in a strong GDPR compliance. We have hired even more GDPR specialists to ensure you get whatever assistance you need from us to get and remain great overview and control. Regardless, whether it concerns getting you started with Wired Relations, migrating your data from Excel/Word, get answers on pressing questions or start GDPR-training of your employees, we are here to help.

Anything we can do for you?

Book a demo with one of our specialists, and they will show you how Wired Relations can help you save time, increase efficiency, and streamline processes for effective compliance programmes.